
Please note this is for patients with private maternity insurance cover.

The recent closure of SJOG Bunbury maternity unit has caused some changes to the way in which SW O&G provides private maternity care. Please be reassured you can continue private care with your planned obstetrician.  Continuity of care is of the utmost importance in maternity care and the specialists at SW O&G are committed to providing this ongoing to the women of the South West. Antenatal appointments will continue to be at the SW O&G rooms, and intrapartum (birth) care and your postnatal stay will be at Bunbury Regional Hospital (BRH). 

What we provide:

  • Antenatal care for all pregnancies - normal pregnancy, high risk, twins

  • Intrapartum (birth) care for normal vaginal birth, instrumental birth, caesarean section, vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC)

  • Continence advisory clinic 

  • Shared care with GP Obstetricians 

  • Pre-pregnancy counselling, investigations, genetic testing 

  • Post-partum care and support, contraception

At SW O&G you choose your primary obstetrician to care for you during your pregnancy and birth. We also have a team approach, and you will see our practice midwives for your booking visit and some antenatal visits. We have an on-call roster for weekends, so that any weekend management of labour or emergencies is undertaken by the on-call obstetrician. This ensures a well-rested SWO&G obstetrician is there to care for you at all times. 

Antenatal care – you will have regular appointments to monitor the health of you and your baby. As your pregnancy progresses, we see you more frequently and will have plenty of time to discuss and plan the labour and birth you anticipate. You are welcome to bring your partner or support person to your appointments.

Intrapartum care – SW O&G specialist support your choice in birth. We are experienced in normal and complex births and are happy to support twins and VBAC. As of 25 June 2024, private intrapartum care will be provided at Bunbury Regional Hospital (BRH). As a private patient in a public hospital, you will have care with your chosen obstetrician, and you are entitled to other benefits which you can discuss with your obstetrician.

Postnatal care – your immediate post birth care will be at BRH, where our specialist obstetricians and the BRH team of midwives, lactation consultants and allied health staff will support you. You are welcome to contact our midwives at SW O&G if you have any concerns during these first few weeks and your family GP can also be an excellent resource. You will generally see your specialist at about 6 weeks post birth. 

Other helpful resources

  • The Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) has lots of helpful information for all stages of your pregnancy journey.

  • “My Baby WA” app – available on App store and Google play

  • Radiance is a community network connecting parents to local services to support emotional wellbeing during early parenthood.